one rug two rug


Rug hooking to me is the ultimate textile art.  We have the greatest variety in choice of color, textures, and materials - and the subjects are endless.  Through rug hooking, your work can express who you are: your views, your likes, dislikes.  My goal as a teacher is to bring out those unique expressions in each of you.  This is why I love teaching.

When I started hooking rugs I had no idea how my textile and design training would lend itself to my art.  Now I realize how it all works together:  color is color whether you are creating a wedding and bridesmaid line or color planning your rug.

For the last 21 years I have been immersed in rug hooking.  I have completed countless rugs.  Attended countless workshop, I have taken leadership roles in the two hooking guilds I belong to,  and I have fulfilled the requirements of the McGown teachers training program.  I have chaired the 2007 ATHA Biennial and served on the nominations committee and currently am serving as the education chair.  I have published articles in the McGown and ATHA newsletters and in Rug Hooking Magazine. 

Everyone learns differently: some are hands-on learners, some are visual learners- but everyone enjoys handouts to refer to after our class is over and appreciates what they learn from the hands-on mini project in class that reinforces the lessons.

The dog?  She is a Bedlington Terrier with her puppy who is now 5 years old.  They are a non shedding breed with wonderful temperaments. They weight about 20 pounds. Very laid back. I have shared my house and life with at least one of them for 17 years.



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